Apr 2020 - Build Planning

I saw the Ben Eater videos in April and immediately started ordering breadboards and LEDs. Other than the ALU chips, most of the other 74LS parts were already on-hand.

May 2020 - Initial Build

Initial build

The first picture of the NQSAP shows the system clock, A/B registers, and the ALU. The bus was built and integrated much earlier in the build than the Ben Eater process and this helped with test and debug.

Also pictured is a data test board that allows a value from DIP switches to be placed on the bus. A button was later added to replace the jumper wire that enabled bus output.



The next iteration added the Memory Address Register (MAR) and the RAM. The MAR is read-only, using a pair of 74LS173 registers. The RAM uses a 32Kx8 static RAM which is extreme overkill, since only 256 of the 32768 bytes are used. But it is extremely easy to wire because it does not require a separate bus driver.

The RAM was verified by using the data test board to load values into the MAR and then into the RAM. The RAM values could then be read back by enabling RAM output and using the bus LEDs.

PC, IR, and Loader

PC, IR, and Loader

The Program Counter, Instruction Register, and Loader/Monitor were added next. As with other parts of the build, initial assembly used jumper wires and ribbon cables to prove out the design before committing to cutting and placing the permanent interconnect wires. Parts of the ALU are still in this state with their cleanup to come later.

The ribbon in the center left of the board connects to the spot for the Arduino Nano that implements the Loader/Monitor.

The program counter uses an LED bar display from the parts drawer. This doesn’t match any of the other displays and may be replaced later. Unlike the discrete LEDs in the build, the bar graph does not have built-in resistors and is connected through an external resistor network.

The data test board is still in use and has been upgraded with a button to place its value on the bus. This was much more convenient than moving a jumper back and forth. Several of the registers also have buttons temporarily installed to allow than to be loaded.

Ring Counter

Ring Counter

In anticipation of the control ROMs, the Ring Counter was added next. This is really a binary microinstruction counter but it has an attached 3-to-8 decoder that gives output that looks like a ring counter. This output is only used for the LED display that indicates the step - the input to the ROMs will be the binary output of the counter. Still, the ring counter terminology is used to match the Ben Eater builds.

Output Register

Output Register prototypeOutput Register

The final component added before the control logic is the Output Register. This is a 4-digit LED display that can show an 8-bit result as hex, signed decimal, or unsigned decimal. The Ben Eater build uses a ROM and counter to implement the output register, but NQSAP took a different direction that uses minimal hardware. The display is driven by an ATmega328 microcontroller that handles the display drive as well as the data latching. This minimal-hardware implementation uses only the controller, display, and four resistors.

Its a bit of a cheat for a TTL computer build to use a microcontroller that has vastly more power than the entire resulting computer. But the 328 version was an interesting design exercise and it can be argued that the display is really more of a peripheral than an integrated part of the computer.

The first picture above shows the first prototype of the display, complete with the AVR ISP cable used to program the 328. The second picture shows the completed output register in place. The resistors are beneath the LED display and are not visible in the picture.

Jun 2020 - ROM and Register Selects

Control logic and Microcode ROMsControl logic cleanup

The first fully-operational version of the NQSAP computer was completed in June. The addition of the control circuits and microcode ROMs tied all of the existing components together into a working computer that could perform simple operations.

The first picture shows the register select logic and the microcode ROMs. Only two ROMs were used in the first build. ROM2 is dedicated to the register select logic and ROM0 has miscellaneous housekeeping control signals like reset the ring counter and increment the program counter.

In the second picture, the temporary register control wiring from the register selectors has been replaced with permanent connections. The Loader has also been upgraded. The first version used 1-to-2 multiplexers to allow the Loader to access the RAM and MAR. These multiplexers were replaced with registers that directly controlled the register selectors, allowing the Loader to read or write to any system register, including the RAM. With this change, the Loader/Monitor was able to add many new features, including a self-test of the NQSAP hardware.

The first instruction set had only a dozen or so instructions. The later addition of more registers and addressing mode grew the instruction set to over one hundred unique opcodes.

Oct 2020 - Stack Pointer

Stack Pointer

The next expansion added a stack pointer and its associated JSR, RTS, push, and pull instructions. The hardware is a pair of 4-bit up/down counters wired to the bus through a 74LS245 transceiver.

The stack pointer was placed in the previously empty area on the left side of the MAR breadboard.

Nov 2020 - DXY Index Registers

The next logical extension of the NQSAP was the addition of one or two new user-accessible registers. These would be general purpose registers, but they would also be used to add some new indexed addressing modes.

In the initial build of the NQSAP, the decision was made to use 74LS181 ALU chips instead of the simple 74LS283 adders used in the Ben Eater build. A few of the 283 adders were included in the initial parts buy in case the ALU chips didn’t work out. The ALU was a success and the 283s went into the parts bin.

The adder chips found a use when the X and Y registers were implemented. By wiring the X and Y chips with their own dedicated adder, it was possible to easily add several new addressing modes to the NQSAP instruction set.

This new design could be implemented using eleven chips spread across two breadboards, but there weren’t two contiguous empty boards available. There was a free space above the ALU and another below it.

before ALU move

The solution was to disconnect the ALU and its registers and move the assembly down one spot to free up two boards above the A register.

ALU disconnect

The ALU and its registers have very few external connections, so the module came out easily. Other than the bus connections, most everything stayed intact. Some LEDs that shared the power buses needed to be pried out, but they stayed more or less together and went back in with minimal effort.

At the start, it looked like the bus connections might be able to move along with the boards, but at some point it just because easier to pull them for later replacement.

ALU replaced

The ALU is now in its new position with temporary bus connections. The Loader’s system test feature really proved its worth here to verify that everything went back together correctly.

DXY test

With the new breadboard space now available, two user-accessible X and Y registers were added along with an internal D register and a dedicated adder that can add D to either X, Y, or zero. The initial wiring was done with ribbon jumpers and terminated jumpers to test the design. The was later replaced with the permanent wiring as shown in the picture on the DXY Registers documentation page.

In addition to the new hardware, the instruction set got a major reorganization. The X and Y registers and their new addressing modes made it possible to build a 6502-like machine, so the existing instructions we reorganized and many new instructions and address modes were added to implement much of the 6502 instruction set.

Dec 2020 - Shift Register

Shift Register

The early NQSAP builds used an ALU A register that also served as the user-accessible accumulator. This was implemented with a pair of 74LS173 4-bit registers. The upgrade replaced these registers with a pair of 74LS194 4-bit universal shift registers. Due to the pin layout, the chips were almost a drop-in replacement, although they needed to be mounted facing the opposite way as the previous chips.

Because the shift registers have a direct parallel load capability, they can be used as general-purpose registers. The addition of the shift features allowed for new shift and rotate instructions. The existing write enable from the ROMs was replaced with three new signals. Two of these controlled the load and shift direction and the third selected the carry-in source of either zero or the carry register.

To test the shift register, a third control register was added to the Loader. This allows the loader to write to H and enable its shift functions.

A related part of this build was a new accumulator register that is not directly connected to the ALU. This register was needed so that some of the memory operations, like INC,DEC, and shift, could use the shift register without disturbing the contents of the user-accessible accumulator. The new register is now the A register/accumulator and the ALU’s A register is now referred to as H, for sHift register. All microinstructions that write to A also write to H, so at the completion of any instruction, the A and H registers always contain the same value.

The zero detect circuit was also moved so that it takes its input from the bus instead of the ALU outputs. This allows the Z flag to be set on non-ALU operations like register loads and transfers.

The new control lines, plus the lines for the planned expansion of the flags capabilities required the use of the remaining microcode EEPROM slots. The system now contains four ROMs with a total of thirty two control lines.


Memory Expansion

This one could be tricky. A wider bus, to 12 or 16 bits would be a huge effort - it would probably be easier to just start over rather than to retrofit a new bus.

Memory could still be expanded while keeping the bus at 8 bits. One approach would be to widen the MAR and PC and extend the memory access instructions to 3 bytes so that they fetch two bytes of address. Another approach would be be implement a segment register, like on the 8088 processors. This is probably easier to implement, but makes the resulting computer more difficult to program.

One tricky part of memory expansion is the CALL and RET instructions. If the address is 16 bits and the memory is only 8 bits wide, the PC could overflow into the next page while incrementing to get the second part of the call address. This makes pushing the return address more difficult.

Memory Segmentation

One simple way to increase available memory is to use separate memory areas for program, data, and stack. The 32K RAM chip is only using eight of the fifteen available address lines to access only 256 bytes of memory. Wiring two of the available address lines to microcode ROM control lines would let the stack use its own dedicated 256 byte memory area and separate areas could be used for program and data storage as well.

This Harvard-like architecture would mean that the NQSAP would not support self-modifying code because the load and store operations would not be able to access program storage. It also means that the Loader would not be able to initialize data in the memory area unless it is able to access another control signal to select memory areas.
