6502 Compatibility

The NQSAP has a 6502-inspired architecture and instruction set. The instructions and registers are similar, but the opcodes of the NQSAP do not map to the same values as a 6502. This means that the NQSAP and 6502 are somewhat compatible at the assembly language source level, but the object code they use is completely different.

The major difference in the two implementations is that the NQSAP is an 8-bit only machine with no 16-bit addressing modes. This means that the absolute addressing modes and the zero-page addressing modes are the same because all memory is in page zero. For simplicity of the documentation, the instructions are listed as using absolute, absolute+X, and absolute+Y modes instead of the zero-page modes.

Two other features of the 6502 are also not implemented: decimal mode and interrupts. This removes a few instructions from the complete set.

One interesting difference between the two implementations is the branch instructions. On the 6502, these use fewer cycles than an unconditional jump instruction because they only need to specify a single byte offset instead of a two byte absolute or relative address. On the NQSAP, the branch instructions are expensive because they need to save and restore one of the index registers in order to calculate relative addresses. A set of conditional jump instructions was added that mimics all of the conditional branches but uses absolute addressing instead of relative addressing. These jumps use only four cycles instead of the eight needed for a conditional branch.

Implementation Progress

Some of the single operand memory instructions, like INC, DEC, and ASL are not available for the indexed addressing modes because they require too many instruction cycles. These instructions need to save and restore the A register and that can’t be done in the eight cycles available. A register/flags redesign could fix this. Another possibility is to extend the maximum microinstruction cycles from eight to sixteen.

Instructions Common to 6502 and NQSAP

Name Description Flags Address Modes
ASL1 Arithmetic Shift Left CZ-N AA,AB,AX
BCC Branch if Carry Clear —- RE
BCS Branch if Carry Set —- RE
BEQ Branch if Equal —- RE
BIT2 Bit Test -Z– AB
BMI3 Branch if Minus —- RE
BNE Branch if Not Equal —- RE
BPL3 Branch if Positive —- RE
BVC3 Branch if Overflow Clear —- RE
BVS3 Branch if Overflow Set —- RE
CLC3 Clear Carry C— IP
CLV3 Clear Overflow –V- IP
CPX4 Compare X CZ-N IM,AB
CPY4 Compare Y CZ-N IM,AB
DEC Decrement Memory -Z-N AB,AX
DEX Decrement X -Z-N IP
DEY Decrement Y -Z-N IP
INC Increment Memory -Z-N AB,AX
INX Increment X -Z-N IP
INY Increment Y -Z-N IP
JMP Jump —- AB,IN
JSR Jump to Subroutine —- AB
LSR6 Logical Shift Right CZ-N AA,AB,AX
NOP No Operation —- IP
ORA Logical Inclusive OR -Z-N IM,AB,AX,AY,IX,IY
PHA Push A —- IP
PHP Push Processor Status —- IP
PLA5 Pull A -Z-N IP
PLP Pull Processor Status CZVN IP
ROL6 Rotate Left CZ-N AA,AB,AX
ROR6 Rotate Right CZ-N AA,AB,AX
RTS Return from Subroutine —- IP
SBC Subtract with Carry CZVN IM,AB,AX,AY,IX,IY
SEC Set Carry C— IP
STX Store X —- AB,AY
STY Store Y —- AB,AX
TAX5 Transfer A to X -Z-N IP
TAY5 Transfer A to Y -Z-N IP
TSX5 Transfer SP to X -Z-N IP
TXA5 Transfer X to A -Z-N IP
TXS Transfer X to SP —- IP
TYA5 Transfer Y to A -Z-N IP


  1. Does not set C flag. Will be fixed in flags redesign
  2. Does not set V and N flags
  3. Requires V and N flags and ability to update, set, and clear individual flags. Redesign in progress to replace flags register with D flip-flops
  4. Need to share ALU opcode with the SBC operation. Redesign in progress to override IR and force ALU into subtract mode
  5. Zero and Negative flags not yet set for non-ALU instructions
  6. Requires new A register hardware

    6502 Instructions Not Implemented in NQSAP

Name Description Flags Address Modes
BRK1 Force Interrupt —-  
CLD2 Clear Decimal Mode —-  
CLI1 Clear Interrupt Disable —-  
RTI1 Return from Interrupt —-  
SED2 Set Decimal Mode —-  
SEI1 Set interrupt Disable —-  


  1. No support for interrupts
  2. No support for decimal mode

    NQSAP Extensions

Name Description Flags Address Modes
DEA Decrement A -Z-N AA
INA Increment A -Z-N AA
JCC Jump if Carry Clear —- AB
JCS Jump if Carry Set —- AB
JEQ Jump if Equal —- AB
JMI Jump if Minus —- AB
JNE Jump if Not Equal —- AB
JPL Jump if Positive —- AB
JVC Jump if Overflow Clear —- AB
JVS Jump if Overflow Set —- AB
NOT Bitwise NOT A -Z-N AA
OUT Output A —- IP

this file was generated by nqsap-instructions.py at 25-Mar-2021 11:57:28
