Stack Pointer

The stack pointer (SP) is an 8-bit register with read/write access to the bus. It enables new instructions to push and pull registers (PHA, PLA) and to call and return from subroutines (JSR, RTS). There are also new instructions to load the SP from an immediate value (LIS) and to transfer values from A to SP (TAS) and from SP to A (TSA). If no stack operations are needed, the SP can be used as a general-purpose register.


The SP is implemented using a pair of 4-bit up/down counters with the count controls tied to a microcode ROM. Output to the bus is controlled via the usual 74LS245 bus transceiver. In the picture above, the SP is the three chips below the clock circuit, to the left of the two-chip MAR.

The counters used for the SP are 74LS169 4-bit up/down counters. This chip fits nicely with the NQSAP design because it has both a clock input and a count enable input. The enable signal makes it simple to initiate a count operation from the control ROMs. This signal, plus the up/down signal allow the control ROMs to do the increment and decrement operations of the SP in microcode.

The 74LS169 does not have a CLR signal to reset the counter at system reset so the SP always starts in an unknown state. This isn’t a problem, because any programs that use the SP will want to initialize it to point to a free memory area before any stack operations are performed.

An early design used a 74LS193 4-bit up/down counter. While this is similar to the 169, it lacks the count enable control. It is possible to use this chip, but an external gate must be used to only provide a clock pulse to the counter when the count enable signal is asserted from the microcode ROM. This must be designed carefully because the ROM glitch issue can cause errant clock pulses while the ROM address lines are being switched by the IR and Ring Counter.


The SP counts up when pushing values to the stack and counts down when pulling values. There is no overflow protection, so the counter will quietly wrap if it hits the top or bottom of memory. The push operation uses a post-increment, so the value is stored and then the SP is bumped to point to the next available stack address. In other words, the SP always points to the address after the location of the value on the top of the stack. The pull operations pre-decrement, so the SP is moved to point to the value and then the value is retrieved.

Note that the Jump to Subroutine (JSR) uses a few tricks in the microcode. The value of the PC is needed to retrieve the subroutine address, but the PC also needs to be saved onto the stack before being overwritten with the new address. The ALU B register is used for temporary storage to save the subroutine address. The B register is not directly accessible by the user, so it is a good candidate for the microcode to use. See the NQSAP-PCB stack pointer page for a more detailed explanation of the JSR instruction.

Bill of Materials

  • 74LS169 4-bit up/down counter (2)
  • 74HCT245 8-bit bus transceiver (1)
